(random unfinished engineering notes)

Thursday, March 04, 2010

Web Services Interoperability Soup

Some notes on .net - j2ee and cros-j2ee web services integrations :

* Compatibility stepping stones : interaction styles, data types, namespace issues.
* wsdl standard - 1.1 vs 2.0 ?

axis2 vs jax-ws 2.0:

1) generated wsdl styles:

- namespace : wsdl-namespace for axis2 vs flat-namespace for jax-ws
- axis2 lacks name property in tag - introduces definitions/documentation tag
- endpoint vs port (though they should be equivalent)
- axis2 - direct schema in wsdl vs external reference for jax-ws
- elementFormDefault="qualified" property in axis2 schema / missing in jax-ws
- for base types, schema seems similar
- separate xsd is often more "natural" setting
- jax-ws misses Action properties for input/output of each operation
- axis2 generates multiple ports - HttpEndpoint / HttpSoap11Endpoint / HttpSoap12Endpoint - depending on the version - 1.1, 1.2, 2.0 - jax-ws assumes default version (1.1 ?)